
About Karina

Karina exhibits with CELF GALLERY, Cardiff. Prior to this she exhibited with the Martin Tinney Gallery from 2013-2023.

In 2018 her work was exhibited in China at the Hong Yi Zhou Art’s Centre, Chong Quing at the Wales in China show.

Karina is currently the youngest female academician of the Royal Cambrian Academy.

“The wild extremities and elemental energies to which I am drawn are intrinsic to my fine-art practice. My intention as a painter is to create movement and to capture ephemeral light within a painting. I lay areas of opacity upon translucidus remnants of expression; layers of tone, loose brushwork and line, help me to build the desired sensory climate. Working initially en plein air, responding to transitory elements, in juxtaposition with the solidity of the geological, I further develop my thoughts and ideas in the studio, approaching larger-scale pieces through the medium of oil paint, pastel and charcoal.”

— Karina